This Is Why Your Fitness Or Nutrition Programs Are Not Working For You

by Cindy Excell
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I once ran a 14-day challenge with a group of 12 people, most of them had all sorts of results, either in their nutrition habits, or their workout plan.⁣

However there were 2 people in the group, and both commented that it didn’t work for them – I was puzzled and even questioned every part of my challenge (you know when you were too keen to get the results for people?) When I first heard the comment, I couldn’t get why the same challenge has got me, my clients, and even family and friends I introduced to, they all got some sorts of results, but not for these two people. ⁣
So I checked the details on my tracking platform and I found some commonalities between these people during my 14- day challenge period:⁣
1. They both clicked my workout once or twice for the entire 14 days;⁣
2. They tracked their progress for like 3 days⁣
3. I knew I had never seen them at my live training sessions on mindset and nutrition, then I also noticed that they never even watched the replay either. ⁣
So I immediately knew what the problem was.⁣
A coach needs to deliver the framework that creates transformation; However, transformation only comes with taking action. For anyone who is being coached and wants the real results, you will have to show up and take action.⁣
Either weight loss or just getting fit, the formula is really simple…energy in needs to be less than energy out…In order to do that, you need to move, move every. single. day…you need to watch what you put in your mouth….quality more than quantity and learning portion control is the simplest way you can do…the point is, you have to show up and take imperfect action.⁣
If you are a business owner and if you are a ‘course lover’ like me – bought so many businesses coaching online courses in the past but not implemented what you learnt, chances are you are not going to progress. That’s exactly the same principle that applies to your fitness. Just because you signed up for another program, it doesn’t mean you will get the results, if you don’t apply what you have learnt in your daily life, in your nutrition habit, in your workout habit and work on your mindset, nothing will change. ⁣

A well-designed program by the best trainer or coach out there will not give you the result magically; It’s the actions you take and the changes you make from what you learnt from the program that will eventually give you the result. ⁣

If you are someone who has been sitting on any program for too long, its the time to reflect on your own actions and if you truly want the results you deserve and you want the healthy, fit, confident and happier version of yourself, you need to show up and do the work, just like how you do with your businesses.⁣
A good coach can personalise the coaching experience with you, can work out what is the best combination for you with your workout, nutrition and mindset work; they give you the right amount of accountability and assess/re-assess how the program is working for you and pivot through to maximize the result. But again none of these will happen unless you are fully committed to showing up every single day…⁣
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